The Informant

By: Grace McCarney

University of California Irvine - Claire Trevor Theatre and Online
November 2021
Sound Design & Original Composition: Costandina J. Daros
Sound Mastering Engineer:
Costandina J. Daros

The Design

With the desire to continue making theatre in the time of Covid, we produced a series of Audio Dramas performed live with the vocals recorded for audiences to enjoy from the safety of their homes. The Informant was the final show in this showcase.

Staying true to Radio Play style, I wanted to explore with the actors creating their own Foley. While there were moments sound effect support was needed from me, most of the effects were actor driven. This really allowed the performance to be uniquely shaped by the actors which translated to the recording.

I also created original music for this production and arranged the lover’s theme.

Photo Credit: Paul Kennedy

The Show

Here is the final produced product.

And if you’re interested, here is a link to the other shows.

Photo Credit: Paul Kennedy

The Technology

As the show included six dramas, the sound system design needed to work for every designer. While I did not draft the system, I had to keep careful track of my needs and communicate them to Meghan for it to be reflected in the system.

I used Logic Pro and QLab 4 to create and playback music and sound effects. There were a couple moments as well that we linked the lighting and sound consoles so those who saw the show live would see the cues happen in sync.

Once the shows were performed and the audio was captured, I switched to ProTools and mastered all six shows to be released for the at home audiences.

The Paperwork

Photo Credit: Paul Kennedy

The Team

Director: Lucas Nelson
Lighting Design: Jackie Gonzalez
Sound Delivery System Design: Meghan Roche